Welcome at TCG!

We are very pleased that you visit us on our internet appearance. On our pages you will find every­thing about who and what TCG is, what we do and offer. We are convinced that you will find exactly what you sought-after for a long time.

Think differently – consulting unlike others?

What that means? As simple as that – we stand out from the crowd of business consul­tants, because we do not only think in figures or accor­ding to the book. No, we do not run after every new manage­ment trend released in two year cylces. Do you want to now more?
You will find additional infor­ma­tion on our page about our enter­prise philo­sophy.

Our services

Here you find a short overview about our main service offers:

Of course we provide much more than we want to bother you with at this point. You will find more infor­ma­tion in the divisions above.