Management consulting

Our main focus concer­ning manage­ment consul­ting is the service depart­ment. TCG helps you to improve the customer services of your company sustain­ably. Thereby it does not matter, in which service-level you see the problem. This could be the back office, as well as it may be in the direct customer contact. To mention only two, i. e. it could be the complaints manage­ment or a service hotline.

TCG is in parti­cular focussed on this topic because the customer services are often the most proble­matic depart­ments with backlogs. Of course the develo­p­ment of new products and consumer services has to be considered as a part of the customer services in order to prevent mismat­ching the needs of custo­mers. The unpre­ce­dented era of “banana products”, which ripen at the custo­mers, is over!

Today’s custo­mers again set value on quality and conve­ni­ence of products and assuming an adequate service is also willing to spend more money for something that promises the fulfilment of their requi­re­ments and needs. Of course that does not mean, that he will loose the price-perfor­mance ratio out of sight, but the slogan “greed is good” was a bitterly regretted marke­ting mistake.

TCG will help you to explore the market, shows you new ways to get in touch with your custo­mers and coming to improtant decis­ions, which may be signi­fi­cant for your entre­pre­neu­rial future. We do not want to narrow down our fields of business activi­ties without any need, but we will frankly state, whether we are able to master your request or not. So it may occur, that we have to decline your request in thanks, because we are not similarly specia­lised in every area of exper­tise. Being honest enough to admit it we can refer you to quali­fied partners if necessary.

A brief excerpt from our fields of business activities:

  • Product consul­ting for first and further development
  • Business process optimiza­tion of intern workflows within administration
  • Marke­ting campaigns for image impro­ve­ment and intro­duc­tion on the market
  • Initia­tion, (re-) organiza­tion and opera­tion of a customer services department
  • Consul­tancy for imple­men­ta­tion of new commu­ni­ca­tion and data proces­sing systems
  • Marke­ting (re-) organiza­tion and/​or connec­tion of sales force in the field with office staff

You did not find, what you have been looking for?
Simply ask us and we can tell you, whether an how we might help you!