Our enterprise philosophy
This is a topic where the wheat is separated from the chaff. Regrettably, a culture of callousness and acquisitiveness has taken over in the past few years, which not only causes social problems, but is also economically disadvantageous.
TCG will sure enough not act the moraliser, but we stand for certain standards which we consider as fundamental in interaction with people, as well with customers as with employees. Especially the people are in the centre of consideration in our consultancy and not only the plain data.
Business consultancy has gained more and more weight over the past years in the light of an increasingly complex world which makes great demands on entrepreneurs. It is not easy to live up to these expectations and sometimes makes it necessary to call for external help. Thereby it is important not to loose the own identity and not to make oneself addicted to external influences.
Business consultancy today:
In these days business consultancy mostly means that you contact one of the big players in the consultancy sector and call for help in general or ask for a special service you need. There are specialists for everything which of course are available at an exorbitant price. In most of the cases you are then faced with a gaggle of so called experts, who of course only travel business or even first class and only reside in four or five star hotels.
You have to face a five-digit bill of expenses before these people have even done anything to help you anyway. Exceedingly absurd does it get, when you are confronted with youngsters at the age of at most 25, whose main occupation prior beeing an expert has been to be a full-time son/daughter. They studied with daddies hard-won fortune and obtained a phenomenal Master’s degree because they never had to work themselves. This enormous experience of life then becomes the inevitable fate of the hard working people employed at the miscounseled companies.
After a howsoever natured audit has been carried out over the past three months (to put it simply and understandable for everybody: to have a look at the status and identify the problem), the entrepreneur will be mostly told, how many employees he must fire, to bring the company (back) on the road to success. Into the bargain every two years they pant after an new trend or a revolutionary theory, which makes not worth a toss for today what still was good and appropriate for yesterday. In this manner they also safeguard and generate follow-up orders for the future.
So what divides TCG from the rest?
We have the good of our customers in the centre of our thoughts an minds. Our utmost concern, also in our self-interest, is that you are perfectly satisfied and get the best advice, to solve your individual problems based on long term considerations. In doing so we even do not only look at the facts and figures but include the people in all our considerations, let them participate, in order to achieve success in partnership.
Beginning with the proprietor all personnel and partners of TCG are down-to-earth, so you do not have to expect horrendous notes of expenses which burden your valuable budget. We travel and lodge economically advantageous, if it is inevitable that we have to travel at all. Yes, we also will take money from you, however not only for our attendance but for our actual attainment we deliver you. It is often said: “You get what you pay for!” Of course, since the death is also not for free, but we want to let you live on for a while.
TCG is fast, creative and most of all effective! We also analyse your situation accurately and grasp your individual problem specific with the view from outside the box. Thereby it is imperative for us, to find the best possible but also the most comprehensible solution for all parties involved in the process. Of course we do not get by without any facts an figures, but we will not bury you under reports or strike you dead with information, which nobody understands. We want to talk to you from human to human, because we believe that entrepreneurs want to be humans too.